Preschool & Kindergarten Number Trace Worksheets
If you are looking to teach pre k children about numbers and counting take a look below at the preschool number worksheets and number trace printables below.
These number worksheets for preschoolers help preschool and kindergarten children to practice tracing numbers and printing numbers.
Free Number Tracing Worksheets for Kindergarten & Preschool:
Preschool Number worksheets focus on a variety of different numbers and their spelling. These printable preschool number trace worksheets can be used to compliment any specific pre k or preschool lesson plans you may be using, used with an number based activity, numbers theme etc.
A large portion of these number worksheets are used for children to trace numbers in order to help preschoolers and kindergarten children to practice printing numbers better.
These number worksheets can be printed out on your PC printer and be used for projects, as activities or be cut out and used for whatever you wish in teaching kindergarten kids and preschoolers.
If you are looking for more number related activities for teaching kindergarten or preschool children you can check out our number matching & counting games or our preschool math worksheets on this website.
*Printables are sized 8.5 x 11 inches (suitable for most printers) Simply click the link and then ‘Right Click On Your Mouse’ and Click ‘Save As’ and Save to a Folder or area on Your computer.
Large Number Printables with Spelling

- Numbers Worksheets 1 Numbers Worksheets 6 Numbers Worksheets 11
- Numbers Worksheets 2 Numbers Worksheets 7 Numbers Worksheets 12
- Numbers Worksheets 3 Numbers Worksheets 8 Numbers Worksheets 13
- Numbers Worksheets 4 Numbers Worksheets 9 Numbers Worksheets 14
- Numbers Worksheets 5 Numbers Worksheets 10 Numbers Worksheets 15
(Pages will still print properly even though some of them appear black-they will not print black)
Tracing Worksheets Numbers 1-20

Help your children to practice printing their numbers. Use these Free trace numbers worksheets by simply downloading the .pdf file below and print them out on your printer.
Tracing Worksheets Numbers 1-10
Tracing Worksheets Numbers 11-20
*You DO NOT have permission to distribute these number worksheets on your website or to re-sell these worksheets, aside from using them to teach your children or students in your classroom*