Easy Butter Slime Recipe for Kids

Butter slime, Goop, slime butter or whatever you wish to call it, is a cool squishy, moldable type of substance for kids to have some fun with, and NO, it doesn’t contain butter.
Making slime is actually a fun science activity for kids to learn about how different substances, sometimes when added together cause reactions to occur.
In this particular butter slime recipe, its a reaction that happens between the Elmer’s glue & the contact solution.
When these 2 substances are mixed together the contact lens solution reacts with the Elmer’s glue causing the slime butter substance that you see. This slime that has been created can now be pulled and molded etc.
You can also make different colors of slime. Food coloring can be used to color your slime, but is going to be messy on your skin. You can use a colored soft clay mixed in your slime to give it the color you want. You want to be sure that any soft clay that you use in your butter slime recipe is non-toxic.
A good, non-toxic soft clay that can be used is called Model Magic from Crayola. It is available in single packs and larger resealable tubs, so it really depends on your needs. The clay is a lot of fun by itself for kids, so extra won’t go to waste. We will discuss the full butter slime recipe below.
What if my Butter Slime Recipe Fails?

Be sure to follow the slime recipe below exactly as described. If your butter slime does not make a proper slime substance that can be pulled and squished and molded, or just fails all together, then be sure to check the slime recipe details again and follow very carefully when measuring out your slime ingredients. Do not substitute any ingredients as listed below, for the best slime making results!
Stretchy Slime or Firm, Moldable Slime?
If your slime butter is too firm and stiff for you, and that is not the consistency you wanted, then it can be fixed. If you would like your slime butter to be easier to pull and stretch and softer, then you can add baby oil, baby lotion and water to help achieve the proper consistency you want as in the slime recipe below. If you prefer the slime firmer, then you can skip the baby oil, baby lotion and water to get the desired effect.
Storing Your Slime & How Long It Lasts
Your butter slime should last approximately 1 week or so. It really depends on how much use and handling that your slime is getting. If you use a soft clay of some sort in your slime recipe, it will stiffen up as it is left out when not being used.
When storing your slime be sure to keep it sealed in an airtight container, or a large ziploc bag with the air removed. Storing the slime this way will help it to last longer.
Butter Slime Ingredients Needed for This Recipe
– Elmer’s White Glue (8 oz) – Most all slime recipes online use Elmer’s White Glue. Substituting for other glues etc. may cause your glue to not work.
-1 TBSP of Contact lens solution.
Attention: The brand of contact lens solution that you decide to use to make this butter slime recipe NEEDS to contain sodium borate as well as boric acid. These 2 important compounds in the contact lens solution allow it to react with the glue in order to create the slime butter substance. Here is a brand of contact lens solution that you can use for any slime recipes requiring those two compounds.
– 1 TSP of baby oil
– 2 TBSP of baby lotion
– 1 TSP of baking Soda
– 3 TBSP of clean water
Model Magic Soft Model clay (non-toxic)
How to Make Butter Slime – Step by Step
When you are sure that you have all of the above slime butter ingredients, then follow the exact steps below in the same order to begin making your slime.
Attention: Do not allow children to put slime in their mouths. If any sensitivities to your skin occur, then you may wish to wear latex gloves, but this is a safe slime recipe for you and your kids. Children should be supervised when playing with this slime.
Do not change the order of the steps below when mixing the slime ingredients together and be sure to use the exact measurements as shown above. (You can of course double or half the recipe to make your required amount of slime)
Step#1.) Measure out 8 oz. exactly of Elmer’s White Glue into your bowl or mixing container.
Step #2.) Mix in 1 TSP of baking soda into the bowl.
Step #3.) Measure your 3 TBSP of clean water and add into mixture. Mix the current ingredient well.
Step #4.) Measure out your 1 TSP of baby oil and 2 TBSP of baby lotion. Add them into your slime recipe mixture and mix them thoroughly.
Step #5.) Add 1 TBSP of the contact lens solution and mix in thoroughly.
Step #6.) Mix very well, then pour out your slime onto a clean dry surface or onto a sheet of wax paper. The slime will be extremely gooey and hard to manage currently. This gooey state is what we want and will be corrected in the next step.
Step #7.) Take your Model Magic soft clay or whatever non-toxic soft clay you are using. Take a small amount of clay, roll it out and lay it across your slime. Begin to mix the slime and soft clay together until thoroughly mixed. This will help make your slime less gooey and hard to manage and will color it and make it more pliable and stiff feeling.
Using Cornstarch with Your Slime – An Option
Note: If you do not have Model Magic soft clay and would like to use something different to make the butter slime less gooey and sticky, then you can use corn starch to achieve a similar consistency. **Do not add too much corn starch, but start with 2 TBSP of corn starch in your slime mixture and mix thoroughly until your slime butter feels the way you would like.
If you need to add a bit more corn starch do so sparingly to achieve the desired feel of the slime. Note: If you use cornstarch instead of Model magic non-toxic soft clay, then you will need to use food coloring to color the slime. You may wish to wear some latex or rubber gloves to prevent staining your hands with food coloring if you use this option instead of the soft clay.
Yay! You’re Finished Making Your Slime
This Butter Slime recipe is an easy an easy and fun to make slime that you will enjoy making and your children will enjoy playing with. *Follow the recommendations above for storing your slime and be sure that children do not put slime in their mouths. Please share this recipe with your friends and family!