Letter Writing For Kids-Handwriting Lesson Plan

Kids Handwriting & Letter Writing Lesson Plans

Preschool writing lesson plans & handwriting activities for kids.Tracing of letters of the alphabet may get preschoolers familiar with each letter of the alphabet. It gets them familiar with what the letters look like, how they are made etc.

The problem with tracing is that is about as far as it goes.

The reason tracing doesn’t work is because the kids just trace around the line, they don’t learn proper directions and curves of the letter and where they should start on the page while writing.

Preschool Letter Writing for Kids:

Handwriting Practice Sheets:

There are hand writing practice sheets which consist of different lines on a sheet of paper. At the beginning of each line on the left hand side there is the ‘sample’ letter, the letter that the children are going to be looking at and then trying to reproduce as closely as possible throughout the rest of that line.

Some of these handwriting practice sheets maybe be just ‘capital’ letters, some maybe the capital letter and then the lower case (or small) letter. These sheets really get children familiar with duplicating the letter while giving them lots of practice.

Handwriting practice sheets can even include numbers, which will of course get the young preschool children familiar with writing their ‘numbers’.

With these hand writing work sheets, it’s all about practicing and becoming good at duplicating the letter or number that is shown on each line of the sheet.


Kids Handwriting Printables:

Here are some suggested handwriting printables and resources for teaching a writing lesson plan for kids and preschoolers. Check them out.

Printables for this lesson plan coming soon!
