Three Day Potty Training Tips – How to Potty Train a Girl or a Boy:
Are you a parent or caregiver that cringes at the thought of potty training? Are you looking for three day potty training tips for boys and girls? Well the truth of the matter is you are not alone.
Many parents and caregivers have sought out many different avenues when it comes to the best way to potty train including spending hundreds of dollars on books, videos, and products.
Through some research I have found that a lot of the information available to us has become out dated and just doesn’t work. It ends up making you and your child frustrated and leaves you with lots of accidents, tears, dirty carpets and dirty furniture.
Many parents and caregivers don’t know what to do when their child shows their first sign of interest in potty training. There are so many personal opinions out there and so much hear say that it can be very overwhelming and quite confusing.
With so many potty training materials to buy it makes you wonder how many of them are a gimmick, just to make money off of a desperate parent or caregiver encountering various potty training problems.
Did you know that diaper manufacturers have a dirty little secret?
If you knew how all of the diaper manufacturers have everything planned out I think you would be surprised. Did you know that it takes a little boy or little girl who wears ‘pull ups’ 3 times longer to potty train than a child who just uses diapers? You may not have known that but the diaper manufacturers definitely do, and they prey on the fact that we don’t find out.
They know approximately how long your child will be in diapers for and so they are going to come up with as many ways as they can to squeeze every dollar they can out of you, yes, even by reward programs. Just think about it, the more you BUY, the more points you get for rewards that would probably cost you less than all of the diapers you had to buy just to get those points.
So how do you get your little girl or little boy to potty train and save you money? Most importantly, how do you get your child to even tell you that they have to go to the bathroom? This is where three day potty training comes in.
One mom learns her lesson and comes up with this fail proof potty training solution.
Carol, a mom of four found that out the hard way and also a very expensive way when the $300+ designer pants she was just trying on just for fun fell in a puddle of her daughters pee on the change room floor.
If you want to hear her tell the story she tells it well in this video.
The interesting thing about it is that accident actually led her to create a fail proof method to potty train children. This mom of four also operates and runs a day care of 40 children and gave out copies of her potty training method to all of the parents at her day care center and the results were amazing with an over 96% success rate.
This mom of four breaks down her three day potty training method into 6 simple building blocks:
- Readying Your Child
- Preparing Yourself
- First Day is Crucial
- Potty Training at Night
- The Final Two Days
- Pay Very Close Attention
Many parents have voiced their concerns about their child being potty trained before they start school. With this simple method those parents can help their children reach those goals. You won’t find methods this simple in any other program, I can guarantee you that.
Carol said that this method has the highest satisfaction rate in the potty training industry. The only thing it doesn’t have is the frustration, tears, and aggression that usually come with potty training.
I wondered how she knew her method rated that high and she said that this exact method has been used by 263,000 parents and caregivers in 154 countries with a 97.4% success rate. You can see what parents are saying about it in this video.
Say goodbye to smelly costly diapers and hello to stress free potty training and larger financial savings by watching this video now.