52 Preschool Lesson Plans for Preschool Teachers
Lesson plans for Preschool teachers and Kindergarten teachers along with ideas for homeschooling parents teaching children at home . If you are a preschool teacher or kindergarten teacher that needs quick reference lessons plan ideas and, including art activities, science experiments for preschool and kindergarten, songs related to the lesson plan and more, then this eBook is for you!

52 Preschool & Kindergarten Lesson Plans eBook is an eBook download. Simply pay below and then Download the .pdf eBook file.
What you will get inside this 52 Preschool Lesson Plans eBook:
- You will receive an eBook with 52 Lesson Plans suitable for Preschool & Kindergarten Children
- Lesson Plans on a Variety of Topics or Themes suitable for teaching preschoolers
- Each lesson plan provides or suggest related songs, provides art activities or Craft ideas, Science activities and other activities to use with your lesson plan.
- In many cases we have linked to songs on websites for you to use with the related lesson plan.
- BONUS LESSON PLANS – We have a few lesson plans that may overlap or be similar, so we have provided BONUS lessons at the end of the eBook which you may also use.
Benefits to You: SAVE TIME!
- We provide 52 Lesson Plan ideas which means you can use 1 Lesson plan for every week of the Year to educate and entertain your preschoolers and kindergarten kids.
- Saving you time with Fun, simple and easy to implement lesson plan themes and ideas for a variety of activities.
Just $10.99
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